I hope this message reach out to thousands of Kiambaa residents at this expectant moment so as to make a wise informed decision. On July 15 2021, your future will be on the ballot; jobs and business opportunities, youth and sports, women empowerment, infrastructures, education, water, electricity among other amenities and necessities. With all that in consideration, wake up early go and vote as bad leaders are voted by people who don't vote. Even if you don't have interest in Politics, Politics will always have interest in you as everyone is subjected to Politics whether we like it or not. Hustler Nation UDA Candidate Wanjiku and ODM/Jubilee Candidate Njama Secondly, Kiambaa Election is between two horses Hon John Njuguna Wanjiku alias Ka Wanjiku of UDA or Hustler Nation which comprises of UDA, TSP and PEP which is led by H.E William Ruto, Hon Moses Kuria, Hon Mwangi Kiunjuri among others. On the other side is unspeakable unscrupulous and ODM mole and Raila supporter number one...