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Showing posts from December, 2021

Let's Separate Church From Politics

There's this secularism concept that "you should not mix religion with politics" and extends to an extent "religion and politics should not appear in the same sentence." Presumably because of another notion "Politics is a dirty game" and "if you mix religion with politics the resultant is politics."  The wall of separation of the two was coined by American president Thomas Jefferson and promoted by English Philosopher John Locke during the enlightenment epoch. But it appears to operate largely in some developed countries like the United States while in most third world and developing countries like Kenya, religion, state, and politics are intertwined. Religion is even misused by Machiavellian politicians for their political interests to attain and maintain powers as Italian Philosopher Nicole Machiavelli argues "the end justifies the means" and "a prince should be highly religious." This empties religion its eternal meanin...