There's this secularism concept that "you should not mix religion with politics" and extends to an extent "religion and politics should not appear in the same sentence." Presumably because of another notion "Politics is a dirty game" and "if you mix religion with politics the resultant is politics."
The wall of separation of the two was coined by American president Thomas Jefferson and promoted by English Philosopher John Locke during the enlightenment epoch. But it appears to operate largely in some developed countries like the United States while in most third world and developing countries like Kenya, religion, state, and politics are intertwined. Religion is even misused by Machiavellian politicians for their political interests to attain and maintain powers as Italian Philosopher Nicole Machiavelli argues "the end justifies the means" and "a prince should be highly religious." This empties religion its eternal meaning.
A German Philosopher Karl Marx puts it "Religion is the opium of people." Christians congregate in churches on Sabbath expecting and anticipating an opportunity to worship God in Spirit, faith, and truth which give them the strength to carry on in earthly life and hope for eternal life. Churches are Holy and primarily used for worship services and other Christian religious activities similar as was with the Temple in Jerusalem where Jesus Christ expelled the merchants and the money changers from the temple for turning it into "a den of thieves" as it was meant for prayers. Presently many Houses of God had been turned into "dens of politicians."
As we head to a year of Politics and Elections, there's a worrying image in the mind of many believers of the dangers of politicians highjacking the worship services in many churches which sadly disappoints many believers who turn up to Churches for Sermons and revivals only to meet a handful of politicians at the altars and pulpits exchanging harsh words, insults, spreading malicious propaganda, and propagating their political agenda. The whole church turns into a debate house between liberalism and conservativism which sometimes turns chaotic as recently witnessed in some churches where police had to intervene with tear gas canisters to restore peace and order. This usually shortens the sermons or late the church services where some believers leave the churches even before time while others miss churches during such periods.
Jesus said whenever two are gathered together in His name, He will be in their midst. Christ in Christianity is the head of the church and politicized churches are in danger of eliminating Christ from their churches and lives. Also, Clerics neglect their duty of spreading the Good News of Jesus and trying to persuade people of Christ's Lordship as well as convert and win many Souls in the Kingdom of God when they get obsessed with politics and the earthly kingdom. Sometimes it even becomes hard to differentiate between pastors and politicians and Sermons and Political speeches. This is contrary to Jesus Christ who did not involve Himself with the politics of His day. There was a time when People intended to make Jesus their Political leader "King" by force but when He realized their plan, He flew to the mountain by himself. So when Partisan Politics gets into the Church, it pushes Christ further and further away.
Thus, Churches should understand how horrible it is to allow churches to be a subordinate of partisan politics. Churches should be the ones to separate the local churches from politics. They should be "Churches for all political parties and independents." BUT, if the need arises, Churches as the last resort can apply the myth that "even if politicians should not meddle in Church, Churches should meddle in Politics for the common good of Community."
(Moses Muchiri is a Historian and Political Scientist)
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