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Mguru Residents; Youths, Women and Men, I salute you all in the name of our Almighty God!

I am Moses Muchiri Maina, Mose, an educated decent youthful man who earned his education in the field of Political Science and Public Administration. I believe in Equality-Justice-Fairness and stands up for children and women rights.

Today am appealing and seeking your SUPPORT to VOTE me as your MCA Muguru Ward 2022 with UNITED DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE party ticket, UDA. Here in I present to you my manifesto detailing why you should vote my candidature for this elective post because WE THE PEOPLE OF MUGURU WARD are faced with many Challenges such as unemployment, garbage dumping, underdevelopment, poverty, lack of medicines and nurses, bad impassable roads, bad early childhood development programs, wasted talents, among others of which I believe it is UNFAIR for us since we have a Devolved Murang’a County Government.

Vote MCA Moses Muchiri

That’s why I have come up with MUGURU WARD AGENDA OF ACTION comprising of growth and development policies and plans which if elected, I will implement for growth and development of Muguru Ward to attain THE CHANGE AND MUGURU WE WANT;

OVERSIGHT. If elected, I will apply eagle’s eye over the County Executive Committee and other County Organs especially on County Revenue and Expenditure. I will be the public eyes and ensure everything is done in accordance with the law. I will ensure credibility, utility, accountability and transparency. I will ensure Wanjiku’s money is used only for growth and development purposes or to pay salaries but not in private enterprises or activities.

Oversight the most important role of an MCA

REPRESENTATION AND LEGISLATION. I will Represent all the interests of Muguru People in Muranga County Assembly through Motions as well Exercise the legislative authority in the Assembly by making and passing laws that favour our people and our County. In such, Public participation throughout my representation and legislation will be a mandatory.

WOMEN AND YOUTH EMPOWERMENT. Mose believes; if you help a woman, you help the whole family and if you help a youth you help the future generations. That’s why I will focus on empowerment of our youths and women to start or develop their projects such as investment, businesses especially in boda boda sector, clothes and shoes or kiosks and shops, Self Help Groups such as Chamas and Sacco and even in farming among others. I will also lobby for more funds from the County Government and NGOs to empower their lives as well as ensuring they receive and benefit from their funds and loans from government. I will also advocate for two-third gender role and thirty per cent youth tendering law is enhanced.

Addressing Gateiguru Women Group

EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I will create employment and business opportunities to as many people as I can in the County and National Government, NGOs and Private Sector. I will also create employment indirectly through creation of business opportunities through Funds, Loans and Donations to venture into businesses and creating business friendly environment through low taxation and easy processing of licenses.

Business Ideas need Support

ROADS AND INFRASTRUCTURES. All access and classified roads under County Government will either be Graded, Gravelled, Marramed or Tarmacked. Those with potholes will be repaired and maintained. Unmarked roads will be marked and roads signs installed to help prevent accidents. Also, rehabilitating existing infrastructures such as water accessibility and electricity connectivity and supply. I will bring water closed to the people and every Muguru Resident will be entitled and access clean piped water.

Building Eastern Bypass Road as Chief Logistics Officer

HEALTH FACILITIES. I will ensure all Muguru Residents access Public Health Services at all times. I will also ensure all public health centres such as Hospitals and Dispensaries are functioning and equipped and provided with all the necessities from County Government such as doctors, nurses, medicines, beds, lightings, securities, among others.

Modern Hospital Ward and Beds

EDUCATION. I will ensure all children have access to an improved quality early childhood development program. I will also enhance quality education for all pupils and students by developing and improving learning centres and institutions. Provision of County Bursaries to all needy and bright students in all Secondary Schools in each and every term and all Polytechnics, College and University Students in each and every semester. I will also organize Muguru Ward Academic Days to reward and motivate pupils, students and teachers. Lastly, reviving adult education and Literacy Program. I will improve or develop one classroom for adult education and motivate them to enrol and go to school to study during holidays.

With Muguru Ward Students donating Sporting Materials

AGRICULTURE. In Muguru Ward, we rely on Agriculture. If elected, I will establish and develop small scale farming projects through use of modern farming techniques that will see each and every family or household engage in farming activities by growing food crops such as Sukumawiki, Spinach, Cabbages, Carrots, Tomatoes, Onions, Fruits, Potatoes, Maize, Beans, among others. This will be achieved through irrigation, use of certified seeds, fertilizers, chemicals and better methods of farming. Our cash crops which include coffee, tea, flowers, bananas, fruits, among others will be encouraged and improved through extension services, ready markets and agricultural shows. Also, rearing of both beef and dairy animals will be enhanced through creation of ready markets for farm produce.

Vegetables Farming

ENVIRONMENT. I dedicated my life to planting 1000 different species of trees throughout my life. So far I have planted 300 trees. If elected, I will mobilize Muguru Residents to plant 1000000 trees within five years. I will ensure improved sanitation services such as cleaning and garbage collection. I will also ensure all dumping sites close to residents such as Mukarara are closed. Clean environment and breathing air will be guaranteed. Noise, air, soil and water pollutant will be dealt with effectively.

Planting Glass at Gen Kago Stadium

GAMES AND SPORTS, TALENTS AND RECREATION. If elected, I will promote, narture and sponsor all talents in Muguru Ward for all youths to realize their potential and market their talents. As a footballer, I will establish Muguru Ward Tournaments in all games and sports yearly. As a music producer and DJ, I will establish Muguru Studios to help grow and market talents in music, deejaying, acting, modelling and emceeing. Lastly, I will establish recreational centres and areas and install necessities such as public chairs, Swimming Pool and beautification especially in Kangema Town.

Handing over Former MP Hon Ngahu's Trophy to Hon Muturi Kigano

NEEDY AND SPECIAL GROUPS ASSISTANCE. Our main aim in life is to help others. In every Society there are three social classes; Lower, Middle and Upper, each with it's needs. Lower Class need more Social-Economic intervention and majority of Special Groups feature in this category. 

Abled Differently

l will also follow up on nine Historic Petitions that I made at Muranga County Assembly in accordance to Article 37 of the Constitution of Kenya on the Right to Petition County Assembly and Section 15 of the County Governments Act 2012. The petition consist of; 

- Routine Garbage Disposal Management

- Quick Response Fire Management System

- Construction of 35MCAs/Ward Offices

- Building of County Fruits Processing Plant

- Establishment of County Sports Tournaments

- Adoption of Cashless/ Computerized Revenue Collection System

- Establishment of Gikuyu and Mumbi County Cultural Festivals/Week

- Use of Youths, Men and Women in the clearing bushes and repair of Feeder Roads.

9 Historic Petitions Pending in Muranga County Assembly

Fellow electorate of Muguru Ward, am looking forward to be granted this opportunity to serve you in order to attain our dream of Muguru We Want. We are the Change We Want and Together We Will Make Muguru Ward the best Ward in Murang’a County and Kenya at large.







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