Cold war between Kanyenyaini MCA Hon Jeremiah Kongo and Kangema MP Hon Muturi Kigano is a true reflection of Hostility and antagonism existing between Rwathia and Kanyenyaini people vs Muguru and Iyego people, ama vita ya watu wa Majani Chai na watu wa Kahawa, and the political war will escalate up to 2022 and beyond. Each party have perceptions that the Kangema MP should come from their area.
Lately, Kanyenyaini MCA has been claiming and making his people believe and perceive that he is the one who has fought and is behind any effort by ministry of transport to rehabilitate, improve or construct Gakira-Kanyenyaini-Kiruri-Karurumo road which have been in deplorable conditions since the demise of Hon Michuki who was always in front line in rehabilitating the same.
Also, the MCA has also claimed to have written to National Irrigation Board to assist in Kanyenyaini Irrigation Project and even having invited C.S Peter Munya to Kanyenyaini for development projects. Also the plan to upgrade Kanyenyaini market.
On the other hand, Hon Kigano have made more visits in the tea zone claiming to be the sole advocator for the same projects and also have established more projects in the same area but the area residents due to antagonism I mentioned earlier seems to buy ideas of the area MCA as they even rallied either behind Hon Kihungi or Hon Ngahu who came second and third respectively in Jubilee primaries with Kihungi who was then the Kanyenyaini MCA and Muranga County Assembly majority leader losing to Kigano with only 2,000 votes who was then appointed by H.E Uhuru Kenyatta as a Board Member in Athi Water and who has since been making frequent visits in the highland areas either for water projects or fight for better pay for all the tea farmers.
As I conclude this article, those expecting the battle of words between Hon Kongo team and Hon Kigano team to end will not end any time soon. In fact its going to escalate to battle of titans and I think despite the projects established by Hon Kigano he might not get votes in Rwathia and Kanyenyaini which might vote as a bloc supporting an aspirant from the soil probably Hon Kihungi who has since 2017 been with residents and active on the ground as I mentioned earlier! Politics has no relations to two things; Age & Developments! There is only one secret to politics which most incumbent seems to ignore or not to comprehend as they only focus on developments which mostly backfire and they end up into political oblivion!
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