The Christian doctrine of adoption is one of the greatest truths in all of the Bible. It is described as “an act of God’s free grace, whereby undeserving and unworthy sinners are received into the family of God and can enjoy all the rights, privileges and blessings as a member of God’s forever family.”
It is a truth that is seldom taught and even less rejoiced in as we should. Adoption is a teaching that should be shouted from the rooftops!
Adoption is a Biblical term and connotes a Biblical idea or truth. Ephesians 1:5 declares that it is one of the predestined purposes of God…”having predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will.
This is a truth that stands so intimately and fundamentally related to other doctrines such as predestination, the atonement, all aspects of our spiritual life and the very consummation of the entire universe!
Adoption teaches us that the Biblical God is our Father.
God adopts us. He chooses us!
We are His children.
We are sons and daughters of God.
Jesus is our elder Brother.
We are members of God’s eternal family!
As His children we enjoy all the benefits and blessings of being in the family.
His riches.
His blessings.
His promises.
His everything belongs to us because He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world. When we were in Satan’s family.
When we were in a sinful and doomed family.
When we knew nothing of grace and mercy!
We were adopted by a sovereign God … just because he wanted to!
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