As Kangema NG-CDF Tournaments kick off today, players are more than willing to play after one year without the tournament due to Covid 19. Thanks to Kangema NG-CDF Sports Committee and Patron Hon Muturi Kigano for the organized tournaments.
But players are not really happy and there are few things I would like to raise some of which we have aired since 2018 but have never been addressed especially now that there is only one financial year remaining to 2022 and if addressed many players would be very grateful;
First is to empathize with four teams' captains and team managers from different teams who attended the Sports meeting on Friday at CDF Office Hall but never got any allowance. I resonate with you as I was one of you who got nothing. I understand how it feels like to use your own money on transport to attend a meeting with a promise of a refund only to spend a whole day in a meeting without even a glass of water and return home empty handed.
Second, as players heads to the fields, it is uncertain the amount of the awards which each team will receive in different categories.
Third, there is this issue of first aid kits which we have raised time from time but not addressed which put many players at risk. This issue was also raised by FKF Officials.
Forth, there's this Covid 19 disease and this issue was also raised by FKF officials but no measures such as the provision of hand sanitizers for sanitization of balls and hands as well as masks have been put in place to protect the players.
Fifth, there's this issue which affects Kangema CDF tournaments where foreign teams and players storm the tournaments thus the tournament fail to nurture young local talents as well as benefit the Kangema players. Last year's suggestions for tournaments to be played with ID Cards, Students Cards, employment cards, or players cards were never adopted.
Sixth, each team received a ball from the CDF two years ago thus currently teams don't even have balls to play as the tournament kick off thus the organizers need to provide the balls as agreed as fast as possible as this is the first tournament to kick off before issuance of balls.
Seventh, the format plan of this tournament is from another planet as football tournaments start with a draw and process that starts with preliminaries, knockout stage, quarter-finals, semi-finals, and finals as explained with attached image. With such, as the committee failed to adapt the plan as proposed for them to save transportation and facilitation money, we are in contact with captains and team managers from 30 men football teams across Kangema and if at least 16 teams signs the petition to the Patron Hon Kigano and if the Patron Hon Kigano agree, the tournaments will proceed to knockout stage from preliminaries which will see two teams proceed to the knockout stage from preliminaries in each zone.
Lastly, accountountability and transparency would be necessary for Kangema Sportsmen and women to understand how Sports funds are being utilized especially the expenditure of Sports' Funds of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 financial years when there were no planned tournaments or sports activities. Also the budget and expenditure for 2019/2020 tournaments as well as planned budget for 2020/2021 tournament need to be made available for scrutiny.
Let's play and Keep Safe! All the Best to All the Teams!
From, Mose.
Rocks FC Captain & Rocks Ladies Coach.
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