I am Kariri Njama of ODM Jubilee Alliance and I officially withdraw from Kiambaa Parliamentary Race this evening. I apologize for withdrawal and more so for being late. There is little or nothing I can do to change the fact that Kiambaa Constituency is behind UDA and more so H.E William Ruto and John Njuguna Wanjiku who happens to be my friends.
I've had a tough week, I'm a beaten man; I am bent but I am not broken. Some few people don't want me to get out of this race because they have invested heavily in me in return I support ODM Jubilee Alliance and Raila come next year. I also believe there are few angry and confused voters out around Kiambaa. So what I have to say to them is to join the winning team; UDA. For now they have Njuguna Wanjiku but come next year, they will have me.
Since getting into politics years ago, I have been talking for myself and playing my political game. This is because voters are smart enough to know who you are without you telling them. You look them in the eye and you talk to them and they decide whether you're telling the truth or not. So I used to spend a lot of time and effort trying to create my image. I am who I am, take it or leave it. And I'm pretty happy with who I am, and evidently some voters have been also.
But I made a mistake because I based my campaigns on the support from ODM Jubilee politicians because some of them are my very best friends thus, I destroyed my name and image.
With all due respect, most politicians, with the exception of a few with great courage, wait to see how political events are breaking before risking their political capital. I forgot that but now I understand and come next year I will contest for Kiambaa MP seat with UDA Party ticket and I will fully support H.E William Ruto.
Lastly, I would like to thank ODM Jubilee Alliance for believing in me. I would also like to thank ODM Jubilee Alliance leaders led by Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta who raised the money to finance my campaign as well as other party leaders who campaigned for me and our members in Kiambaa who supported me. I am in the process of sending SMS to all our members informing them about withdrawal of my candidature!
God Bless Kiambaa, God Bless Kenya.
Fake politics